Friday, October 28, 2011

How to Keep Your Cool: 12 Tips for Staying Calm Under Pressure

How to Keep Your Cool: 12 Tips for Staying Calm Under Pressure

In addition to regular acupuncture treatments , which can help you to get your anxiety and stress under control , here 12 tip's on "how to keep your cool" . v - 310-289-1155

When we were kids, we all had great big goals and objectives and aspirations for every day of our life. These days, our biggest ambition sometimes is to get through each day with grace and peace of mind - to be unflappable and to move peacefully from one task to another with focused attention and a quiet, calm energy.
Sounds simple enough ? Well, maybe not. However there are steps we can take to at least increase how often we remain calm. Why be calm? Because it feels fantastic for one .  Anger and impatience wear on our hearts and our minds and our families and friends. When we are in control of our emotions, we get more done, we communicate better, and we lead more productive, purposeful lives. We are more happy. 
Here are twelve tips for keeping your cool and staying calm amid life's situations – both big and small.
 1.) Don't Dramatize : It's easy to dramatize and make something a bigger deal than it is. When you are relating the problem to yourself, avoid the urge to magnify the negative. Strike the words always and whenever. You might feel it's too much, but it can really help to re-frame the problem in your mind by saying things like "I can cope," "It's not that big a deal," and "I'm bigger than this."

2.) Think before you Share : Don't describe or blog or tweet about the problem. Don't talk it over with your friends right away; let it stew a little in your mind so you can settle down a little. Sometimes, well-meaning friends will sympathize too much, which may only add fuel to your fire and get you even more upset.

3.) Discover metaphors and visualizations that help you stay calm: Here's one that helps me: I try to imagine my problem as a knot. The more I panic and pull on the ends, the tighter the knot cinches. But, when I adopt a singular focus, a calm takes over and I can loosen one strand at a time. It might also help if you can visualize yourself acting with patience and focus. Lower your voice and try to move as slowly as possible. Speak slowly and softly. Become the calm, unflappable person you see in your mind. Here's another technique: Do you know anyone whom you would describe as unflappable? Try to think of what this person would do in your situation.
 4.) Note your patterns of exasperation: Are there any specific situations that cause you to lose your cool? Look at specific patterns -- from time of day, to level of stress (or level of boredom), to blood sugar levels. Do you tend to lose it when it's too noisy – or too quiet? Knowing about your own patterns can go a long way in helping you keep your cool throughout the 

5.) Realize that you can control your emotions: Reflect on times when you were able to successfully  stay calm in a frustrating situation. Maybe it was a time when you wanted to yell at your spouse or your kids, but then the doorbell rang and you were able to instantly shift gears. Consider that you might be able to do this repeatedly, as long as you know your triggers – and some tips for keeping a calm mindset.

6.) Create a calm environment with peaceful rituals: If calm music soothes you, use it. If silence soothes you, use it. Maybe you'll play some soothing instrumental music or maybe you'll dim the lights and light some scented candles. When you are coming home from work, give yourself a few moments to calm your mind before you go charging into an evening at home with your kids. Sit in the car for a few minutes and take some deep breaths. Kick off your shoes and sip a glass of water. Rituals can also be tremendously soothing during the transition periods of your day.

7.) Take care of the essentials: Make sure you are getting enough sleep and getting enough protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. one tend to lose temper way more often if we are low on blood sugar. But, get a little protein in your body, and it's (relatively) smooth sailing. Also make sure you are getting physical exercise. A daily workout can give you the physical release that can help you control your anxiety. When feeling particularly stressed, trade a half-hour run for a half hour of kickboxing. This helps. Stay away from too much sugar and caffeine and stay hydrated. Drink a tall glass of water and see if you feel better, more calm and alert.

8.) Focus on the mind and spirit, too: Depending on your spiritual tradition, engage in a routine of meditation or prayer. Practice yoga - or just sit quietly for awhile. Developing peace of mind is a skill that will serve you well your whole life through. Take a meditation class, and learn techniques to help you get control over your restless monkey mind.
9.) Distract yourself:
10.) Take a day off:  we lways know we really need a day off when we fight like crazy to not take one.  If we can force ourselves to take an entire day away from my work, we always come back more calm, assured, and filled with fresh ideas and finesse.

11.) Don't forget to breathe: When my kids were very small, we helped them to calm down by teaching them belly breathing, and it still works – for them and its going to help you for you. Diaphragmatic breathing helps you alleviate your stress in the moment and it gives you a minute or two to calm down, often just long enough for you to assess the situation and help you regain your sense of control. In a good belly breath, your belly will actually rise and fall. To practice, put 
your hand on your belly. Inhale through your nose and see if your hand rises as you breathe in. Hold the breath for a few counts and slowly breathe out.

 12.) Reflect on quotes that can help you calm your mind

(A) the  

early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese
(B) He who is of calm and happy nature will hardly feel the pressure of age, but to him who is of an opposite disposition. 

(C) Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself

(D) A cup of tea shared with a friend is happiness tasted and time well spent. Tea isn’t a drug, it’s a vitamin !! Acknowledge to yourself  that you can’t have everything — where would you put it?

(E) To awaken on a summer morning as the sun is rising and the birds are singing outside the window--is there a moment more deserving of your own awareness? At that very moment in time, there is not. Try to cherish the peaceful inner calmness you feel as you allow yourself to fully experience the "present". Let the day begin with a deep sense of gratefulness and appreciation

(F) The miracle is not that we do this work, but that we are happy to do it.

TRY IT. YOU ARE GOING TO BE AMAZED HOW INCREDIBLE YOU WILL FEEL. and throw in some regular acupuncture treatments, and your mind will understand that you are in business.

w e l l n e s s  e v o l u t i o n 
607 N. Huntley Dr.
West Hollywood , Ca 90069  