Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Meditation in the community garden this summer

The meditation classes this summer were really incredible . Some wonderful like minded people came together , learning how to stay calm, breath and heal themselves by listing to the calling of the tibetan bells.  A nice warm chat before and after, and everyone is all set and geared up for the day. Evening classes can be very special as well, they can help for a good night rest or energy boost. Full moon meditation classes will add extra, strong healing energy.

I do prefer the morning classes, as they set you up for a complete different day. One of the goals is of course, in addition to the group meditation hour here, that you can  do it at home by yourself 20min in the morning and in the evening. Just download Apple iTunes deep meditation tibetan bells (60min) , and you are ready to go. 

I would love to get a group of six together and meditate by the ocean . Like 7-8Am right on the water . I think that could be an exhilarating exercise. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mh9nlhb2TxQ&feature=youtube_gdata_player