What is MEDITATION ? Live a better & authentic life - www.evolvewellness.com
enjoy meditation + yoga classes in the tea garden daily 50min 9am + 10am classes (max 6)

Meditation is one of the important art that any individual can learn in his life.
In fact, meditation should be taught as part of education. Because its themeditation which in fact transforms the actions of any person. Education only teach us the mean to earn our living but meditation helps us in living a betterand authentic life.
Meditation can be practiced by any person.Age,religion,profession does not matter. Meditation is such a basic thing that any one can practice it. Meditationis a very simple phenomena and can be easily learnt if some one is really sincere to practice it.
Meditation in the purest sense is to live in the present moment. Meditation can be called the art of living in this very moment with out drifting into past or future. Meditation is not a separate activity that should be practiced at any specific hour but meditation is some thing which adds grace and beauty to our actions. Meditation is the art of doing any action in totality. Meditation is to be aware or fully conscious of our thoughts, feelings, desires and actions.
In simple words, Any thing done with awareness is meditation. Awarenessmeans to be aware of our body movements, thoughts and feelings.

Or in simple words, what ever we do we are fully conscious of our actions. Most of the time, we keep on doing our daily things like a robot but our mind keeps on thinking about some thing or the other. But in meditation whatever action or duty we perform, our attention is in the act or in the present moment. So meditationis the art of doing any thing with full attention or consciousness in that act.
In other words, we can say that meditation breaks the mechanical activity of ourlife. It brings more aliveness and grace in our action as we are fully consciouswhile doing it. Unfortunately, we have this habit of doing things mechanically for so many lives. So it takes time and effort to break this habit and become moreconscious of our action.
Many meditation techniques are devised to help in this regard, so that we learn the knack of being fully conscious in our actions. Meditation technique are an aid for a beginner and in the end they should be dropped and one should simply become aware of one's actions and thoughts.
For a beginner it is advisable to start practicing meditation every day for at least 30 to 60 minutes. But slowly the meditator should bring this meditative quality in the daily actions too. Meditation flowers in our life as we become more conscious in our actions.
It takes time to learn meditation and also demands our attention, sincerity and patience.
e v o l v e w e l l n e s s
607N. Huntley Drive
West Hollywood, Ca 90069

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