(click here) Loose weight with acupuncture + ART's African Mango powder / www.evolvewellness.com
by Evolve Wellness Center on Monday, September 12, 2011 at 7:06am
Acupuncture / African Mango for Weight loss:
The ancient science of acupuncture has been used for thousands of years in China and is now widely used in the western world as a form of alternative medicine. Use acupuncture to slim down so you can lose weight properly without special diets. And check out the benefits of the African Mango. This fruit can help you to get rid of those extra pounds,

How to loose weight right using AFRICAN RED TEA Mango Fruit Powder? But first, what is African Mango?

African Mango (Irvingia Gabonensis) is West African Melon used as a food source in Nigeria and Cameroon. African Mango seed extract has been shown to inhibit the development of new fat cells in laboratory research.

Here's how it works: When people are overweight, fat cells become enlarged due to the accumulation of fat, and they increase in number and in the amount of the hormone leptin they secrete. Furthermore , the more leptin , the harder it is to lose weight. African Mango seed extract has been shown to reduce the secretion of leptin from fat cells. It has also been shown to increase secretion of adiponectin by fat cells. This is important because adiponectin plays a role in fatty acid metabolism, and higher levels of adiponectin are associated with a lower body fat percentage. In conjunction with 100% natural Egyptian herb tea, which has been used for over 5000 years for its toning and cleansing benefits.

Herb teas and ear acupuncture - an unbeatable combination
In addition full body or auricular acupuncture is an unbeatable combination to reduce weight, to speed up metabolism (the rate of burning calories) as well as purifying the digestive system and reducing water retention.
Lose weight properly as part of your lifestyle
Acupuncture fits in well with your normal lifestyle allowing you to concentrate on what is important to you. You can eat reasonably, but sensibly without dieting. You do not need to engage in physical exercise to achieve results.

The Lymphatic System
The Lymphatic System is a network of conduits or ‘Channels’ and lymphoid tissues or ‘Nodes’ which spread through the entire body from head to toe. These channels and tissues are also present in some organs like the stomach, intestines, Thymus and Spleen. The Lymphatic System is part of the body’s circulatory and immune system and directly affects the Digestive system.
The Lymphatic system has three interrelated functions.
- It is responsible for the removal of interstitial fluid from tissues.
- It absorbs and transports fatty acids and fats as ‘Chyle’ to the circulatory system.
- It transports antigen presenting cells (APCs), such as dendritic cells, to the lymph nodes where, an immune response is stimulated.

We know that the Lymphatic System eliminates metabolic waste from every cell and drains away excess water, dead cells, minerals and fat molecules.
The body would work perfectly in an ideal world, where everyone follows a balanced diet with essential vitamins, regular exercise and a stress free life. But, as we all know, life is not perfect and the way we live our lives sometimes inhibits the body’s natural processes from doing their job. You can think of the Lymphatic system as the body’s drainage system, which can sometimes get clogged up, restricting the natural flow. This will restrict other systems in the body from doing their job.

Acupuncture in combination with ART's African Mango powder , helps to restore the natural flow, stimulate the Lymphatic system, helps to speed up metabolism and regulate the digestive system. Because all these systems in our body are interrelated, improving the way the lymphatic system works will, in turn, improve our circulation and immune systems and our general sense of well being.

Use African Mango Fruit Powder for weight loss and obesity
African Mango Fruit Powder
50gm African Mango $18.00 100gm African Mango $36.00 225gm African Mango 46.00 454gm African Mango $105.00 + shipping
Even more significant than the laboratory research on African mango is the human clinical research which shows dramatic weight loss and belly fat reductions across the board in all of the studies that have been completed thus far.

African Mango taken twice daily for 10 weeks has been shown to help people lose up to 28 lbs and remove up to 6 inches from their waist measurement. Leptin levels are decreased and adiponectin levels are improved with the daily administration of African Mango in the human research studies.
Overall be it the 28 day studies or the longer 10 week programs the results for weight loss are nothing short of amazing!

African Mango Benefits
- Decrease body weight quickly
- Reduce body fat up to 6%
- Reduce Belly Fat and Waist Size up to 6 inches
- Increase Metabolism
- Support Healthy Cholesterol Levels
- Control Appetite
These statements have not been evaluated by FDA and are not intended to cure, diagnose, treat, or mitigate disease.
e v o l v e w e l l n e s s
607 N. Huntley Dr.
West Hollywood, Ca 90069

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