essential . organic "AFRICAN RED TEA herbs" AT-A-GLANCE-/
by Evolve Wellness Center on Wednesday, September 14, 2011 at 11:47pm

'AFRICAN RED TEA' = summary of benefits AT-A-GLANCE

Rooibos ( /ˈrɔɪbɒs/ roy-bos;[1] Afrikaans for "red bush"; is a broom-like member of the legume family of plants growing in South Africa's fynbos. The plant is used to make a herbal tea called rooibos tea, bush tea (esp. Southern Africa), redbush tea (esp. UK), South African red tea, or red tea. The product has been popular in Southern Africa for generations and is now consumed in many countries.


Rooibus - naturally sweet, 100% organic, naturally caffeine free, no tannic acid and 50 times more antioxidants than green tea. Full bodied and extremely smooth. Just honest to goodness tea - good for the body and soul.


Buchu makes it a great tasting tea - naturally sweet, 100% organic, naturally caffeine free, no tannic acid and 50 times more antioxidants than green tea. Full bodied and extremely smooth. Just honest to goodness tea - good for the body and soul. It is also said to be an effective remedy for kidney stones, cystitis, and rheumatism. Because of the diuretic effect of buchu, be sure to consume potassium rich foods while taking this herb such as bananas and fresh vegetables. 3.5 oz. Buchu leaves are not heavy, so it will be quiet a large amount of leaves.


AFRICAN RED TEA ROOIBOS with Sutherlandia Frutescens
Sutherlandia frutescens is regarded as the most profound and multi-purposeof the medicinal plants in Southern Africa. It has enjoyed a long history of usein Southern Africa. Sutherlandia powerfully assists the body to mobilize its own resources to cope with physical and mental stresses, and its therefore correctly speaking, an adaptogen (in the class of herbs such as Astragalus, Ginseng, and Ashwaganda.) In fact Sutherlandia is the African adaptogen par excellence. It is an herb with a profound effect on the body-mind-energy system, maintaining and optimizing physical, mental and emotional wellness, and it is as if Nature has combined inAfrica, in a single plant, the immune stimulating benefits of Echinacea, the anxiolytic and anti-depressant effects of Hypericum and the energy of Panax Ginseng.


As far back as 1830 Honeybush has been noted as a tonic for colds and influenza, according to Watt (1932) it gave appetite to children who did not want to eat, it was also used at times of chronic catarrh (an infection of the mucous membrane of the nose ear and stomach) as well as pulmonic tuberculosis. The tea is free from any alkaloids . In addition it is used as Dietary phytoestrogens - hormone-dependant process which is advantageous for Regulating of menstruation cycles .


AFRICAN RED TEA ROOIBOS with Sceletium Tortuosum
Sceletium elevates mood and decreases anxiety,stress and tension, and functions as a model anxiolytic, as well as being a very effective anti-depressant. Sceletium is also known to reduce addictive cravings particularly with regard tonicotine and also lessens the withdrawal effects of alcohol. Due to its ability to stimulate feelings of empathy it has also been used with success in couple therapy. In large doses Sceletium can cause euphoria, but without any associated come-down.


The black seed is an herb used in traditional medicine by many Middle Eastern countries may help in the fight against pancreatic cancer, one of the most difficult cancers to treat. Researchers at the Kimmel Cancer at Jefferson in Philadelphia have found that thymoquinone, an extract of Nigella sativaseed oil, blocked pancreatic cancer cell growth and killed the cells by enhancing the process of programmed cell death. While the studies are in the early stages, the findings suggest that thymoquinone could eventually have some use as a preventative strategy in patients who have gone through surgery and chemotherapy or in individuals who are at a high risk of developing cancer.


+ These statements have not been evaluated by FDA and are not intended to cure, diagnose, treat, or mitigate disease +
+ Speak with your doctor if you are pregnant, before taking buchu or any other diuretic +
AFRICAN RED TEA products are now available at evolve wellness in West Hollywood , California.
For additional information or for questions please email ulrik neumann at -
e v o l v e w e l l n e s s
607 N. Huntley Dr.
West Hollywood, Ca 90069

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