testimonials - how acupuncture can help you. www.evolvewellness.com

// testimonials //
by Andrea T.

With acupuncture, I now feel amazing , it's like a new life. No longer headaches and neck pain .Acupuncture has also helped me with my stress. I have a way's to go-but feeling better & better each day. I had a headache for 10 days straight- was ready to go for surgery- thank God & my brother to recommend acupuncture. I can laugh again- I feel alive, so give it a try and stay with it. Andrea T., Age 34
Back Pain
By April S.

I would like to make a testimonial aboutacupuncture. Back in March of 2010 I had a nasty fall resulting in major back pain. I went to the doctor only to receive pain medication. 6 wks later, still having pain went back to the doctor in which he told me I needed physical therapy. Physical Therapy didn't work, here I was in October and still in pain. A friend of mine randomly suggested to try acupuncture. He mentioned that it helps his mother with lower back pain . He persuaded me to go . I was stillskeptic about the acupuncture but was willing to try anything to get my back under control. I went to my first appointment not knowing what to expect. But let me tell you first hand that when the visit was over, I got up and felt like a new person. Not the first bit of pain! It was amazing. I could not be happier. I have made another appointment to work on some other issues I have with my body! Also just to let everyone out there know, the procedure is painless. April S., Age: 28
By Lorraine

I suffered from insomnia for four years. (I averaged four hours of sleep per night) I'd taken doctor prescribed medication. After one session acupuncture I slept three nights in a row, which was almost impossible before. After nine total sessions, my sleep pattern is much more regular. I almost always get at least six hours and eight hours is no longer an impossible dream!! I would recommend acupuncture to anyone. On the whole I found the experience to be relaxing and am very pleased with the results. In addition to acupuncture I started meditation twice a week as well, which helps to calm down and balancesmy mind. Lorraine, Age 42
by Timothy

Hi. I like to share my experience with acupuncture . Recently my relationship with my boyfriend ended I could not control my emotions at all screaming and crying uncontrollably. Unable to stop this behavior I went to see a recommendedacupuncturists and within a very short time frame I felt centered and was without anxiety. Yes, I am sad about the lost of my relationship, but I am happier that I can go back to work and function as a member of society again. And if I continue to look after myself then who knows what the future will hold for me . Thank you to everyone who practices this powerful medicine. Timothy from Sherman Oaks, Ca Age: 39
Fear of Flying
by Scott

Believe it or not , but acupuncture has cured my anxiety of flying . I have to travel a lot, and still after many years , I could not get over my fear of flying and the anxiety that comes with it getting ready. A friend recommended an acupuncturist at evolve , and now before each trip , I get two treatment within 48 hours before I leave , and flying could not be any better for me , thanks to my acupuncture treatments , which seem to bring down my level of fear .
Scott from Santa Barbara, Ca. Age: 46
Alcohol & Addictions
by Jeff

An old proverb says "First, the man takes a drink; then the drink takes a drink; then the drink takes the man." I was that man and with the help ofacupuncture, I am taking back my life.
I have "enjoyed" what I believe to be reasonable success after 21 sessions within a four week period in March with a weekly follow-up of one session per week ever since. My alcoholic compulsion is markedly reduced with the side benefit of elevated vigor and more energy from day to day. I have become somewhat of a newdisciple of acupuncture with a zeal to learn more - especially with regard to the success had by some in tempering alcoholic compulsion. I believe it is particularly effective to the recovering alcoholic who is relapse prone who has made consciencious and earnest effort in trying to recover but continues to succumb to whatever forces cause him/her to pick up that first drink again. Of course, I have no inner personal assurance to myself that I will not be weak again, but I believe if I continue to do the usual and simple things suggested by AA, I feel I can expect a less trying recovery with my newly affected condition that I attribute to the acupuncture treatments. I recently read about a doctor who said that the only necessary proof of acupuncture's worth was the very fact that IT WORKED. Period. Not that one should expect scientific rationale or "western" methodology. No. It just works. Not in every case, but neither do western solutions (cures) always answer their call. So? If it works, use it - enjoy - heal. Accept. I did, and I continue to do so... One day at a time. Jeff G. Age: 52
Quit Smoking
By Sharron

I smoked for 30+ years. I no longer smoke, and I owe it to the acupuncture treatment. The treatments helped a great deal to cope with thewithdrawal symptoms associated with thequitting smoking. I also had breathing and stomach problems which were also treated successfully with acupuncture. Of course, you really need to want to quit smoking. 10 sessions did it for me . Sharron Age 52
e v o l v e w e l l n e s s
607 N. Huntley Dr.
West Hollywood, Ca 90069

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