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| Seasonal Transition and Chinese Medicine by Norah McIntire, L.Ac. | |
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Chinese Medicine seeks to align the body with the natural flow of life to enhance and protect health. This process is rooted in what are called the Five Elements: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water. To work with the natural movement of life, Chinese medicine uses this model to dictate the most appropriate activities and foods during a particular season. When acting in harmony with the natural world and our place in it, we maximize health and vitality.
Late summer or the transition between the seasons is associated with the Earth element. The organs of the Spleen and Stomach, which are responsible for digestion, are assigned to this element. Foods that are beneficial to these organs are mildly sweet foods, yellow vegetables, soups, and root vegetables. Examples include sweet potatoes, corn, sweet rice, garbanzo beans, squash, millet, and apricots. Activities involving meditation, gentle stretching, and mode

John D. Convey, L.Ac. and evolve wellness in the NEWS
Before John is getting ready for another volunteer trip with ACUPUNCTURISTS WITHOUT BORDERS to Nepal, he was humbled to be chosen for the cover of this month' THE FIGHT MAGAZINE and featured in MIND/BODY's promotional campaign. Out of the treatment rooms and in front of the cameras to share his message of acupuncture and continuing to built wellness + acupuncture awareness around the world. ON NEWS STANDS RIGHT NOW. Read the story at http://thefightmag.com/2011/09/conveying-wellness/
 Medicinal Rooibos Teas by African RED TEA at evolve wellness
This leading product is Organic Rooibos Tea, which stands out as the highest in anti-oxidants, naturally caffeine-free and pleasant tasting beverage that is also low in tannins thereby promoting and supporting positive, healthy lifestyles. "The healthy benefits of herbals teas have garnered positive attention from the medical community and are recognized as an excellent source of antioxidants, which protect the body and brain from free radicals."
The teas and herbs have become favorites of our patients, who choose this as health conscious options in addition to their acupuncture treatments. AFRICAN RED TEA is a favorite since it's a perfect alternative and preventative health solution. "Drinking Rooibos Red Tea is a good choice as part of a healthy lifestyle," says John D. Convey, L.Ac.
evolve wellness believes in reaching out to the tea drinker and acupuncture patients, continuing to serve the community one needle at a time . . . and now one cup of tea at a time, educating those who might never have sampled or purchased Organic African Red Tea simply because of lack of knowledge. If a person is interested in a physically active lifestyle, they might be looking for a post-workout recovery drink with a high anti-oxidant base along with an amino acid complex + mineral ascorbates. Pointed to the Organic African Red Tea all their requirements will be fulfilled and be able to surprise and delight people with other tasty new products and their healthy benefits as well. AFRICAN RED TEA serves many health care facilities, hospitals, doctor's offices, schools, restaurants, hotels an spas, and is now available at evolve wellness.
 evolve front and back office is GOING GREEN: Post 1. By Katrine Knauer.
Lately I have been addicted to watching documentaries, loving to learn while I relax. Somehow I always end up walking away with a heavy heart and not much of a better plan on how to save, or at lest help, the world.
A few weeks back, a friend suggested watching No Impact Man, a documentary about a family in NYC who go one year trying to havethe least amount of environmental impact. The movie left me on a high. Instead of the usual mourning over the direction humanity is heading. I was inspired. I am also curious and currently addicted to blogs finding new ways to reduce my household impact and finding recipes to support my buying locally. After testing my limits at home, the process naturally overflowed into the workplace and into e v o l v e .
After many times peeking into the trash and picking out of the recyclables tossing them over to where they belong, in the recycle bin, I started to take a look around e v o l v e . Taking a more critical eye, making mental notes of how this business can start taking steps towards being more green.
I received much enthusiasm and encouragement from John and the e v o l v e staff. The result that we would work on it publicly and with our community, week by week to share our learning experience and sharing the process.
The main future goal would be to have an eco friendly establishment that would eventually become a certified Green Business.
going green :: Post 1. by Katrine Knauer
"BRAVO! Katrine. Thank you for taking the initiative //// to turn us Green. " John D. Convey , L.Ac. CEO-founder of evolve wellness
September 1 - October 30, 2011
Tuesday: 9am + 6pm meditation Wednesday: 9am + 6pm + 7pm meditation Thursday: 9am meditation, 10.30am Yoga, 6pm OpenHouse Acupuncture
Balance by breathing, meditating and stretching. Tibetan bell meditation is encouraged to use daily to help coping with anxiety and stress. The sound of the bells, their calling have a healing energy. Learn and understand to stay calm and how it influences your decision making when coming from a calm place. 50 minutes of deep meditation and individual reiki treatments . This hour is not a spiritual experience, rather a wellness and breathing exercise, which you can do at home or anywhere at any time , helping you learn how to deal with daily situation and how to handle them from a balanced and calm place.
RSVP online or call 310-289-1155 www.evolvewellness.com $20 per 50min class / sliding scale / everyone is welcome.
W E D N E S D A Y 9.00AM-10.00AM + 6.00PM-7.00PM TIBETAN BELL MEDITATION at evolve wellness w/ulrik
 Balance by breathing, meditating and stretching. Tibetan bell meditation is encouraged to use daily to help coping with anxiety and stress. The sound of the bells, their calling have a healing energy. Learn and understand to stay calm and how it influences your decision making when coming from a calm place. 50 minutes of deep meditation and individual reiki treatments . This hour is not a spiritual experience, rather a wellness and breathing exercise, which you can do at home or anywhere at any time , helping you learn how to deal with daily situation and how to handle them from a balanced and calm place.
RSVP online or call 310-289-1155 www.evolvewellness.com $20 per 50min class / sliding scale / everyone is welcome.
7.00PM-8.00PM EVENING MEDITATION at evolve wellness w/francisco
Is the movie you are living worth watching? By gaining control over yourconsciousness, you create the story of your life. Every meditation explores theactions, behaviors, and the desires in place that have led to the present. Thisreflective state allows transformations to occur at the seed level. Using tools including light therapy n astrology, we are no longer victims of chaos but creators of destiny. Join francisco each week to explore your subconsciousness and create a movie worth watching. What is My Movie? A guided meditation to transform your life. Guided by francisco at evolve wellness.
RSVP online or call 310-289-1155 www.evolvewellness.com $20 per 50min class / sliding scale / everyone is welcome.
9.00AM-10.00AM TIBETAN BELL MEDITATION at evolve wellness w/ulrik
 Balance by breathing, meditating and stretching at evolve wellness. Tibetan bell meditation is encouraged to use daily to help coping with anxiety and stress. The sound of the bells, their calling have a healing energy. Learn and understand tostay calm and how it influences your decision making when coming from a calm place. 60 minutes of deep meditation incl individual reiki treatments. This hour is not a spiritual experience, rather a wellness and breathing exercise, which you can do at home or anywhere at any time, helping you learn how to deal with daily situation and how to handle with them from a balanced and calm place.
RSVP online or call 310-289-1155 www.evolvewellness.com $20 per 50min class / sliding scale / everyone is welcome.
10.30AM-11.30AM HATHA YOGA @ evolve w/Kyona, CMT
Join Kyona in experiencing an energetic HATHA YOGA practice in the beautiful andintimate setting of evolve's wellness garden. As Kyona gives back to her patients, you will all explore linking breath with movement and increasing your strength andflexibility as you deepen your commitment to incorporating balance and wellness into your lives. Sign up and experience this incredible 55min class.
Reserve your mat at evolve wellness for HATHA YOGA garden class. Call: 310- 289-1155 or email: info@evolvewellness.com / max. 10 participants per class
6.00PM-7.00PM OPEN HOUSE ACUPUNCTURE at evolve wellness w/Norah McIntire, L.Ac.
This September swing by evolve wellness for acupuncture open house . Every Thursday evening this month in the Meditation Garden, friends and neighbors share in the relaxing and restorative benefits of evolve’s organic African Red Teas, while receiving community style ear (auricular) acupuncture treatments by acupuncturist Norah McIntire. Calm the mind. Balance the body. Limited seating. RSVP available @ 310.289.1155.
We look forward to seeing you this September. $25 - sliding scale - www.evolvewellness.com
- 1st hour complimentary - $20/25 single session - $160 10xpack - $95 unlimited usage per month for all garden classes.
Pura Vida. Time for SelfCare and to reboot your MIND & BODYyoga & meditation at Pranamar, a life changing ocean front experience to nurture and balance your mind. Only a night flight away. Visit Santa Teresa in Costa Rica.
For more information about evolveexcursion wellness programs you may call 310-289-1155 or email: info@evolvewellness.com

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